Terms of booking
These terms apply to all tours sold via the Historic Houses 'Invitation to View' platform

You must bring your ticket with you. Please do not wear stiletto heels, which can damage the floors, and avoid bringing luggage or large bags, which can damage interiors and accidentally knock over valuable items. Unless otherwise stated or with the owner’s permission, we regret that children under the age of fourteen may not be taken on tours, because of the fragility of our houses and their contents. Photography is allowed only with the explicit permission of the owner.
Our ability to keep you informed of changes or cancellations is only as good as the contact details you give us — please provide a phone number and an email address you check regularly.
If you cancel more than two weeks before the tour is scheduled to take place, we will fully refund your ticket money excluding any phone booking fees. If it’s less than two weeks before a tour, for any reason, we regret that we cannot refund your ticket money.
If we cancel at any time, we will fully refund your ticket money. Although we make every effort to avoid it, sometimes a tour has to be cancelled at short notice due to circumstances beyond our control. In this case, we cannot accept responsibility for, or refund, any consequential losses, such as money spent on travel or accommodation.
Historic Houses is committed to ensuring that all its events are both productive and enjoyable for all. We will not tolerate harassment in any form. All delegates to our events, whether online or in person, are expected to adhere to the following key principles:
- Be professional and collegiate.
- Be respectful of the views of others.
- Not engage in harassing or intimidating behaviour.
- Not photograph or film an individual/individuals against their stated wishes.
Harassment includes sustained disruption of an event, inappropriate physical contact, sexual attention or innuendo, deliberate intimidation, stalking, and photography/recording of an individual without consent. It also includes offensive, derogatory or demeaning comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race or religion. Sexist, racist, or exclusionary comments or jokes are not appropriate.
Any delegate who wishes to report a violation of this policy is asked to speak, in confidence, to the Tour Organiser, or via email to info@historichouses.org.
Delegates asked to stop any inappropriate behaviour are expected to comply immediately. Anyone violating these rules may be asked to leave an event at the sole discretion of the organisers without a refund or removed from a virtual event.
Further sanctions may be applied as below at the discretion of Historic Houses:
- Where a Historic Houses member, a member’s associate, or a member of the public are found to have breached this code of conduct they will be prohibited from attending any future events
- Where a speaker, tour guide, or tour organiser is found to be in breach of this code they will be prohibited from attending any future events.
Legal action may be considered if a criminal offence is suspected and, if appropriate, the matter may be reported to the Police or other relevant authorities.