Terms and conditions for image submissions
Whenever you upload images through historichouses.org, you are advised that your submission constitutes your acceptance of the terms and conditions outlined below:
- It is your responsibility, as the individual submitting images, to ensure that all files you upload are either your original works (you hold the copyright and intellectual property in the images), or that you have all relevant legal permissions from the photographer/creator to grant Historic Houses a worldwide, perpetual, non-exclusive, non-transferable, unrestricted license for use of the images.
- You understand that Historic Houses may use any images submitted for any of our purposes as an association, including on social media and historichouses.org, printed publications, etc.
- You confirm that all image files uploaded have been labelled with necessary and appropriate credits, including, where applicable, the name of the photographer (and copyright holder, if different).
- If the image was taken on private property or portrays people not in a public place, you confirm that you sought, and obtained, the necessary permissions from the landowner and any people portrayed for the use of the photographs.
- If the image is of a child/children under the age of eighteen, you confirm that that you sought, and obtained, the permission of the child/children and their parents or guardians for the use of the photographs.
- You may not hold Historic Houses responsible should someone take any of your uploaded images from the historichouses.org website for illegal or improper use elsewhere.
- You personally accept any responsibility in regards to the submission of images. If you upload an image without the necessary permissions to grant Historic Houses a worldwide, perpetual, non-exclusive, non-transferable, unrestricted license, and if the copyright holder of that image later takes action against Historic Houses for redress, Historic Houses will take action in turn to recover all costs and liabilities from you.
If you have any questions about these terms and conditions, or about copyright and intellectual property laws, contact James Probert.