New exhibition on women in history at Berkeley Castle

Learn all about the fascinating women connected to Berkeley Castle throughout history, at an exclusive month-long exhibition in June 2021. From empowering tales of perseverance and determination to stories of scandal and heartbreak, the exhibition does the important job of rediscovering women in history and showcasing their often-overlooked lives.
‘The Women of Berkeley Castle’ takes the form of a Covid-safe trail through the castle and shares the stories of women from all walks of life, stretching right back to medieval times – with the historic estate dating back to the 11th century.

From servants working in the castle’s kitchens to the noble ladies they waited on, it explores the struggles the women of Berkeley Castle faced, as well as what they achieved in spite of their position in society.Visitors will be entertained with stories of imprisonment, patronage and love – plus, discover the life of one Lady Berkeley who witnessed one of the most famous events in English history…
During these unusual times, you can rest assured that we have put into place lots of steps to ensure that everyone is kept safe during their visit. And although you might not see it behind their protective masks, our friendly staff will be their usual smiley selves while they help everyone play their part in safe social distancing.